i totally forgot about you blogger.
welcome back?
eh... whatev. So here we are in a new chapter of life. Things are... interesting? to say the least.
i am separated from ol' Zelph for many MANY reasons which i honestly do not feel like going into at the moment because i am in a lovely mood.
i just got tired. We'll leave it at that. For now.
The Bug is 5 years old now. And a hoot. Love that kid.
i'm... ok. I've been better, but i've also been worse. I have good friends that keep me going when i start to get down. In fact, i just got off the phone from a three hour phone call. With a friend i've already talked to twice today, and texted almost non-stop. I haven't done that since... well... jeez. I don't know that i've EVER had that much to say to someone. We can just talk. it's... nice. we've been friends for around a decade, but we're really becoming a lot closer these days. it's good, i've missed having someone to talk to who really listens and is interested and who has things of their own to talk about. But enough about that.
i miss my dog. He is living with a friends mom at the moment. I miss my cat, he ran away from home in a fit of pique and has not been heard from since. I can only hope he made it to NYC to pursue that stage career he's been talking about since kittendom. Skimbleshanks indeed. He's CLEARLY a RumTumTugger.
My other cat is fat and needs to have the mats shaved off her butt. Eew.
My pajama pants keep falling off, they're too big. i've lost somewhere in the vicinity of 30lbs.
i would very much like some vino.
i'm going to Sherwood this weekend. As a pirate. With a small group of friends. It shall be good.
Can't really advertise the trip too much, or stalky mcstalkerson will send his spies after me.
Maybe i should just sleep with someone so he can have something real to be paranoid about. But then he'll use that against me to talk The Bug away. Blast.
On a positive note...
i am alive. i am healthy. i am moving home ASAP.
yep. Things are alright.
i'm gonna go tuck myself into bed while i'm still on the happy high of the phone call that just ended. Lurv.
- The Staff
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