1. How much time do you have? Hopefully lots and lots...
2. What's your name? Bob. i mean Mali.
3. Veggies or meat? MEAT
4. Do you have a girfriend? umm....no
5. What's your ethnicity? whiteish.
6. What's your sexuality? straight
7. Manga or Comics? Manga
8. For or against gay marraige? For.
9. Pandas or Koalas? Aren't they both mean little buggers?
10. Beer or Wine? wine
11. Wine or liquor? wine
12. Beer or liquor? Liquor...mmmm RUM
13. Do you even like alcohol? mmmmm RUM
14. If I repeat any questions, I'm sorry. Do you believe me? i'll give you the benfit of a doubt.
15. Birds or lizards? Lizards. Birds have lice, and the bird flu, theres no lizard flu now is there?
16. What is your mother's maiden name? Hearne
17. Your on fire, what do you do? hurt.
18. Converse or Vans? chucks, but i like vans too, just not as much.
19. Billiards or pinball? billiards, easier to cheat =)
20. What kind of college do you want to go to? one with decent professors
21. Roll any type of dice. what do you think you'll get? 13
22. Do you have a tattoo? no, i have two.
23. What is it of? one is the chesire cat and it says "USMC we're all mad here" and the other is calvin and hobbes, but calvin is transmogrified into a tiger.
24. Broken any bones? yes. a few, all at once.
25. If so, what bones did you break? foot bones...i got run over.
26. Have you ever broken anyone elses bones? not that i know of.
27. Sprain anything? nope
28. If so, what did you sprain? you don't listen.
29. Do you own your own computer? i share it with my Josh
30. Do you own your own phone? yes
31. Do you have cable/digital cable/satellite in your room? in my living room, cable
32. How many vhs movies do you own? a bunch
33. How many DVDs do you own? even more
34. How many cds do you own? not quite as many
35. Do you still have cassette tapes? no
36. If so how many do you have? *sigh*
37. Getting tired of this yet? =)
38. You think I can go further? yah.
39. How do you do? Quite fine, and yourself?
40. Are you regretting doing this? nope, i'm bored.
41. Are you determined to finish this no matter what? eventually
42. Are your fingers crapping from answering these questions? MY fingers don't crap.
43. Gonna tell anyone about this? i'm gonna post it in my blog...
44. Have you told anyone yet? no
45. Being outdoors or being inside? depends on the weather but mostly, outdoors .
46. Cookies or ice cream? cooooookies
47. McDonalds or Burger King? neither, i don't dig fast food.
48. Fast food or restaurant? restaurant
49. Dairy Queen or TCBY? tcby, love the cotton candy flavor....
50 Theme parks or fairs? fairs
51. Rides or games? rides, i LOVE the zipper....they've never heard of it up here i don't think...
52. Water parks or roller coaster rides? roller coasters
53. Love or Lust? a good mix of the two thank you
54. Family or Friends? i consider my friends my family, so yeah.
55. The sun or The Moon? the gives us life, but the moon is easier to look at
56. Books or TV? books
57. Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? LoTR
58 Mulan or Brother Bear? Mulan
59. Pink or Red? Red
60. Blue or Green? .Green
61. Shoes or Sandals? .Barefoot
62. Alone or with someone? .with
63. Hilary Duff or Lindsay Lohan? is there a difference?
64. Romance or Comedy? i like both
65. Paper view or renting a video? PPV
66. Taking pictures or video taping? depends on the situation...
67. Computer or laptop? .Puter
Have you ever?
68. Been Sick? yes
69. Told someone you loved them? .everyday
70. Been told your loved? =) everyday
71. Hated someone? strong dislike would be a better description
72. Been called a Bitch? All the time
73. Been told your pretty? yeah
74. Been told your ugly? yep...
75. Been told your fat? hehe...all the time...well Fat ass anyways...i have 40 inch hips....
76. Hurt yourself by accident? yah
77. Hurt yourself on purpose? nope
78. Read a book? 100s
79. Missed anyone? .right now =/
80. Wished to be alone? yep. when i'm mad
81. Wanted candy? yes
82. Ate any candy? yes
83. Saw a ghost? yes
84. Been on a date? yes
85. Went shopping? today in fact
86. Smoked a cigarette? unfortunatly
87. Ridden on a subway? YES!!! in DC for the first time...
88. Made a frog out of clay? actually...yeah...weird
89. Looked under your bed to see if there is a monster before you go to sleep? and in the closet and in the bathroom...
90. Written a book? no
91. If you have do tell what the name of it is and I will read it. i said no.
92. Broke curfew? yah
93. Been kissed? yeppers
94. Feelings hurt? who hasn't
95. Hurt someones feelings? again, who hasn't
96. Got into a fight? yes
97. Watch something on the news and find out someones missing? just the other day, 8 guys i know were killed in a Helo crash in africa...
Do you like....
98. Mulan? Jes.
99. Brother Bear? Jes
100. The Little mermaid? Jes
101. Tarzan? Jes
102. Pizza? Jes
103. Cheese? jes
104. Ice Cream? jes
105. Harry Potter? jes
106. Lord of the Rings? jes .
107. A Series of Unfortunate Events? jes
108. Dogs? jes
109. Fish? jes
110. 50 Cent? je- no, not really
110. Me? who are you again?
111. Chatter box forum? i'm sorry? who-who? what-what?
112. Techno? some
113. Country? jes
114. Hip Hop? some
Do you wish you could?
115. Fly? sure why not
116. Breathe Under Water? ok
117. Stop these Questions? *shrug*
118. Be a super hero? do i get a cape?
119. Be invisible? only if i can choose when and for how long
120. Run at the speed of light? sure
121. Do something you've never done? always
122. Have a magic ability? ok
123. Be a superheroes sidekick? hmm, depends on who gets to be the superhero...
124. Walk in someone elses shoes? umm, not really. i like my shoes.
125. Make world peace? hmmm, but then i'd be out of a job...
126. End world hunger? sure.
127. Make the hungry not hungry? umm...isn't that the same thing as 126?
128. Find a cure for an incurable disease? sure
129. Hire a maid to clean your room? no. waste of $$$
130. Can you do back flips? i dunno, never really tried. i'll bet i could tho...
131. Have you ever seen a fairy? hehe...yeah at westheimer/montrose....
132. Would you walk 100 miles to see someone you love for 20 minutes? right now, i'd give it a go
133. Are you going to keep going? going where?
134. Describe your perfect date. ...a fun one...
135. Have you ever smoked pot? nope
136. If you had a chance to go on a trip where would it be to? europe or japan
137. Do you believe in love at first sight? not really
138. What's your lest favorite chore? scrubbing public toilets
139. Do you even have chores? yeah
140. How much money do you think you would have if you never bought anything? a S***load more than i have now...
141. What's your Myspace Username? Mali
142. A cup of poop or A bottle of pee? .....you're disgusting....
143. What is your dream? to be Supreme Totalitarian of the Universe...and i want a pony
144. Do you drink alcohol? yes. but not right now
145. What is your Mom's middle name? Denise
146. What is your Dad's first name? Herschel
147. What month where you born in? Feb
148. Name the 7th month. july
149. What do your parents call your Grandma? mom
150. Do you wear diapers? err...no
151. Do you like kitties? yesh. except when they pee on my stuff...then i hate them.
152. Have you ever slept with a blankie? yes
153. What age where you when you stopped wetting the bed? don't remember
154. How did you find out myspace was a site? thru a friend.
155. Are you active? yes
156. Fire or Water? fire
157. 9(56/7-1)? Meow.
158. Are you honest? most of the time
159. What is your favorite kind of dog? good ones
160. What is your favorite website? don't really have one
161. Type a random word. snood
162. Do you think the end is coming up? nope
163. Do you have a mule? no. rub it in too.
164. Have you ever kissed a big spider? can't say that i have
165. Do you donate to your friends? umm...what? are you saying my friends are charity cases?
166. What is your favorite letter? the ones that come in the mail and have money in them.
167. Where is your computer located? in my computer room
168. Have you ever choked on a gumball? no
169. Have you ever got stung by a bee? yes i stepped on him tho, so its only fair.
170. Have you ever had warts? eew, yeah, had one on my finger once
171. Have you ever had zits? dumb question. seriously.
172. Do you use face cleanser? yeah
173. If you do is it clean and clear? what? my face or the brand, you should be more specific.
174. Have you ever had a accident in your bed after the age of 10? probably...don't remember it tho...
175. Have you ever sneaked into a movie without buying a ticket? yep.
176. Have you ever hacked someones account? nope
177. Have you ever talked to yourself out loud in school? yep
178. Have you ever got coal for Christmas? nope. im a good girl =)
179. Have you ever accidently flushed your favorite thing in a toilet? no, no i haven't
180. After Christmas have you ever seen Santa's footprints around the house? nope, but he did used to track sand into our beach house
181. Have you ever slept with a blankie? didn't you ask this already? i said yes
182. Have you ever punched your mom or dad? .no...well not seriously...
183. Have you ever seen a UFO? not that i know of
184. Would you rather freeze to death or burn to death? .freeze, cause you just go to sleep
185. How long are your showers? around 20 min
186. Do you like getting mail? yes
187. Do you like cheese? s'ok
188. How many blogs do you post a day? .none
189. Which came first the chicken or the egg? your mom.
190. Can you dive? yah
191. Whats your worst fear? losing my loved ones
192. Do you like someone? yes
193. Whats their name? (insert names here) Josh(zelph)
194. Are you in love? .yes
195. Do you believe in love? yes
196. What do you like most about life? .that i have it
197. Whats the scariest thing you've done? Iraq
198. Are you listening to music right now? now i am
199. If so, what kind? classical...Mozart
200. Do you know how many pints are in a gallon? 4
201. Do you hate me for typing so many questions yet? no
202.AHHH CHICKEN! or AHHH REAL MONSTERS? whats ahh chicken?
203.Have you ever seen a squirrel? yes
204 How much gold do you wear? none
205.Do you believe in Faires? yes, TRF, Scarborough, Excaliber...or do you mean Faeries?
206. How many more questions do u think you'll answer? i will complete your survey thingus.
207.Why did you choose your user name? its my name.
208. So, are you gonna stick around to get in the Hall of fame(a person who finishes this quiz)? umm sure, do i get a plaque? or a trophy?
209. My sister loves cookies, is she a freak? .no
210. Are you observant? most of the time...
211. Positive or negative? pos.
212. Do you have more gaia friends then real life friends? ...no.
213. Do you remember what question 12 was? .no
214. Do you like the movie Napoleon Dynamite? .sure
215. What is your favorite website? stiil don't have one
216. Is this quiz stupid? only as much as they all are
217. Is it getting boring? no.
218. What is your favorite cereal? honey nut cheerios
219. Can you force yourself to burp? .yes
220. Where would you like to go in the world? still europe and japan.
221. What are you going to do when you finish this quiz? dunno.
222. What time is it now? 11am
223. What time did you start this quiz? yesterday night. i'm doing it in chunks. hey i have a newborn im only one woman
224. What time do you think you'll finish? tomorrow maybe
225. Did you know that it is not even half over yet? yep
226. Have you done things you wish you could take back? yep
227. Do you wish some people could just go away? yes.
228. Do you ever wish time could stop? .yah
229. Do you wish I would just go away? not really
230. How many freckles do you have? none
231. Do you like family guy? yah
232. Have you seen corpse bride yet? yah
233. If not, Do you want to? .i said yes
234. Do you like turtles/? yah ... tuuuurtle...
235. Do you hate babies? not really...
236. Name one thing you can't stand about people? they are generally stupid
237. Name one thing you can't stand about media? so friggin biased...
238. Are you drinking anything right now ? nope
239. If so what?.....
240. Have you ever eaten A worm? not that i recall
241. I like ladybugs, you? .yes they are good luck
Name one song by the folling bands/singers/rappers
242. Linkin Park ....
243. System of a down ......
244. Eminem ....
245. Kittie .....
246.Guns n roses Paradise city
247. ACDC back in black
248.Kelly Clarkson ....
249. Lindsay Lohan i thought she was a b-rate actress?
250. Britney Spears umm....
251. Maroon5 she will be loved
252. Pink Floyd dark side of the moon
253. Silverchair ...
254. Good Charlotte ....
255. Simple Plan ...
256. Avril Lavigne .........
257.Disturbed ........
258. Mudvayne ......
259. Did you know a lot of those bands? i know them but i don't know the song titles....i suck at that game...
260. What time is it now? 1107
261. Own something one of kind? yep
262. Do you Like Riddles? yep
263. What about unscrambling words? yah
264. What is a 12x12? ...a dimension.
265. Are you as bored as I am? prolly
266. What does it take to make you happy? not much
267. Has anyone saying I love you ever hurt you? yes
268. Have you looked at how many questions there are yet? yep.
269. How much money do you have? .i dunno...
270. How much more do you need to be happy? i dunno
271. Are you sure? umm...
272. Have you have splurged on something for yourself? yes all the time
273. If so, what did you buy? Last? a new tv.
274. What's your favorite music to dance to? doesn't matter, i'm so white all my dances look the same....
275. Do you think it easy to rap? don't really care
276. Do you go to concerts often? no
277. What was your favorite Summer Movie? umm whats a "summer movie"?
278. What was your least? *shrug*
279. What is the worst food in the world? haggis...or maybe charbroiled goat brains....
280. What is your favorite Skittle's Flavor? red and purple. flavor/color whatever....
281. What is your least favorite number? 1 is the loneliest number that you'll ever do...
282. What Brand of Lotion is your favorite? i really don't have a favorite...
283. What is your favorite thing about me? you are persistant.
284. Why do you think I worry about what you think about me? you are insecure about your very small penis. thats why the quiz is so big.
285. What is your Favorite kind of head accessory? hat
286. Do you have any new ideas gaia should use? like gaia as in mother earth or that other myterious gaia you keep talking about?
287. Which item annoys you to death? scissors that don't cut..
288. Why? .. they don't cut...
289. Do you go fishing? yes
290. Do you join other people's games or do you start your own? yes
291. How many friends have you taken off your friend list lately? .none
292. Why would you do such a thing? i wouldn't
293. Do your Friends Comment in your blogs? maybe...i think so, sometimes, i don't blog much
294. Does anybody comment in your blogs? see above
295. Do you hate the world? no
296. How Many friends have you made in myspace? none, all preexisting
297. How many charities have you donated to? .a few
298. Are you Greedy when it comes to money? .yes
299. Who is the ugliest person on myspace? your mom
300. Who is the Weirdest? same
301.Whats your least favorite number? see number 281
302. Do you like waffles? yes
303. Can you wait to get a mouthful? pervert.
304. Do you demand people call you by your screen name? no, but since its my name....
305. What's your favorite kind 'o weather? sunny and around 78 degrees
306. What is your bed time? when i get sleepy
307. What do you first think of when you wake up? peeing usually
308. What is your Heritage? mostly irish, with scottish, spanish, german and indian....i'm a mutt
309. How long was the longest relationship you've ever been in? going on 7 years now
310. Have you ever been beaten up? .no
311. Have you ever beaten someone else up? yes
What would the sexiest girl/boy for you look like
312. Eye Color? blue or green
313. Hair Color? medium to light brown
314. Short or Long hair? short
315. Height? 6ft +
316. Style? t shirt and jeans, gotta be comfy
317. Personality? fun and nice, but not a wimp
318. Looks? as long as hes not a troll its all good....
319. Hot or Cute? ok
320. Really Skinny, or fat? neither thanks
321. How do you want to die? i don't
322. Been to the Mall Lately? yep
323. Do you like Thunderstorms? yep
324. Do you get along with your Parents? yep
325. Do you think your Attractive? sure
326. Do you shower Daily? i try to...again, newborn, only one person...
327. What age do you want to lose your Virginity? 137.
328. Hate anyone? just cats that pee on my stuff
329. Are you Straight, gay, or bi? straight
330. What age do people think you are? 23
331. What age do you wish you were: 23
332. Are you happy with your hair color? yah
333. Do you dye your hair? not any more
334 Are you Left handed, right handed, or ambidextrous? righty
335. Obsessions? no
336 Have a favorite quote? no i like lots of quotes
337. If you do what is it? Cake or Death?
338. Do you have a web page? this one...
339. If you do what is it? umm. myspace.
340. If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called? The road to Supreme Totalitarianism...Mali's journey...
341. Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool? no.
342. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? maybe, but i might also think i was a self-centered bitch.
343. Have you ever played strip poker? nope
344. Have you ever thought you were going crazy? ya
345. Have you ever killed an animal by accident? ya
346. Been on the radio/TV.? nope
347. Had a dream that kept coming back? yep
348. What kind of cologne/perfume do you wear? i like curve...but i don't wear it much...
349. Do you Believe in life on other planets? sure
350. what about Miracles? why not
351. Magic? ok
352. Do you Believe there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? yes, but which one is "THE" rainbow.
353 Do you wish on stars? all the time
354 Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going on a blind date? knowing them
355. Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out? ok
356. Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive? no, i'm shallow i guess
357. What's the last present someone gave you? uhh...gift certificate
358. Do you consider your significant other hot? =) when he's in shape, when hes not he's just good looking =)
Who was the last person?
359. That haunted you? err...
360. You wanted to kill? ...
361. That you laughed at? me
362. That laughed at you? me
363. That turned you on? my Josh
364. You went shopping with? Sam
365. That broke your heart? my Josh
366. To disappoint you? Shannon
367. To ask you out? my Josh
368. To make you cry? Azalynn
369. That you thought about? my Josh
370. You saw a movie with? my mom
371. You talked to on the phone? my g-ma
372. You saw? Azalynn
373. You thought was completely insane? heh...most of my friends
374. You wanted to be? me
375. You told off? prolly someone at work
376. You trusted? my mom
When was the last time you?
377. Smiled? .just now
378. Laughed? just a minute ago...i crack myself up
379. Cried? the other day...
380. Bought something? yesterday
381. Hugged someone? feb 15th
382. Watched your fave movie? don't have one
383. Had a nightmare? don't remember
384. Talked on the phone? .this morning
385. Listened to the radio? in the car yesterday
386. Watched TV? .last night
387. Went out? .yesterday to old navy.
388. Helped someone? yesterday
389. Were mean? all the time
390. Sang? .last night
391. Saw a movie in a theater? a few days after underworld evolution came out
Have you ever?
392. Skipped class? ya
393. Eaten a bug? accidentaly
394. Crashed a friend's car? no
395. Done drugs? .nope
396. Been in love? ya
397. Been dumped? ya
398. Shoplifted? once, a milky way, i was 8 and felt so guilty i took half of it back...the store owner laughed at me....
399. Been fired? it was mutual.
400. Been in a fist fight? yah
401. Snuck out of your house at night? yah
402. Had feelings for someone who didnt have them back? yah
403. Made out with a stranger? .no
404. Gone on a blind date? .no
405. Lied to a friend? a few times...
406. Had a crush on a teacher? no
407. Killed someone? no
408. Been in a car accident? yah, when i was 12 days old
409. Seen someone die? nope
410. Been on a plane? yah and a couple of heliocoptors ( job perk) =)
411. Cheated on a test? nope
412. Stopped reading a book 20 pages before you finished? nope
413. Made a snow angel? i don't believe in "snow" ....it's all and elaborate Hoax.
414. Played dress up? hehe...i live for dress up...
415. Cheated while playing a game? yah
416. Been lonely? right now as a matter of fact...
417. Fallen asleep at work/school? all the time
418. Used a fake ID? nope
419. Felt an earthquake? nope
420. Touched a snake? yah
421. Ran a red light? .yep
422. Been suspended from school? hehehe....a few times...even expelled once. but i didn't do what they expelled me for. rat bastards.
423. Had detention? yes
424. Worn a outfit that you later regretted wearing? yah
425. Had someone tell you your outfit is ugly? .yeah
426. Witnessed a crime? jes
427. Lap danced? no
428. Given a striptease? nope
429. Been lost? jes...once went out for a drive and ended up in alabama...
430. Been to the opposite side of the country? yep
431. Felt like dying? nope
432. Cried yourself to sleep? yep.
433. Played cops and robbers? yes
434. Sang karaoke? .yah
435. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? yep
436. Laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose? hehe...yes
437. Caught a snowflake on your tongue? still don't believe in "snow"
438. Kissed in the rain? .yep
439. Sing in the shower? .every day
440. Been embarrassed in front of your boyfriend/crush? yes
441. If you have please tell of your horrifying experience. nope. it would take to long.
442. Had a dream that you married someone? nope
443. Glued your hand to something? yes.
444. Gotten your tongue stuck to a flag pole? no.
445. Worn the opposite sex's clothes? yes
446. Sat on a roof top? yeppers, spent a good bit of my chilhood on rooftops.
447. Ever not showered for a week? i'm a marine. its like a job requirement.
448. Ever too scared to watch scary movies alone? sometimes
449. Seen such a scary movie you slept with your parents that night? yah
450. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? yep. and a pond and the ocean and a river and an ice chest....this could go on for awhile...
451. Been told you're hot by a complete stranger? yes thank you
452. Been easily amused? all the time
453. Laugh so hard you cry? yep
454. Cry so hard you laugh? yah
455. Mooned someone? yep
456. Flashed someone? .yep
457. If youre a girl tried to pee in a urinal? nope...but i have tried to pee standing up...had to take a shower after that...
458. If youre a boy worn makeup to school? ...
459. Forgotten someone's name? all the time
460. Slept naked? all the time
461. Gone skinny-dipping in a pool? nope
462. Been kicked out of your house? nope
463. Played a prank on someone? yep
464. Gone to a late night movie? yes
465. Failed a class? yes
466. Choked on something you're not supposed to eat? nope
467. Played an instrument for more than 10 hours? no
468. Eaten a whole package of Oreos in one day? is that possible?
469. Bought Mardi gras beads? yah
470. Thrown a shoe? yes
471. Felt like killing someone? yes.
472. Ran away? nope
473. Been kidnapped? nope
474. Had detention and not attend it? yes
475. Yelled at your parents? yeah
476. Made parent cry? unfortunatly
477. Cussed at your parents? yeah...but just in conversation, not in anger
478. Cried over someone? yes
479. Owned more than 5 sharpies? yeppers
480. Dated someone more than once? yep
481. Have a dog? yep
482. Have a cat? 3...
483. Own an instrument? yes, Frankie my Bass
484. Been in a band? no
485. Had more than 25 sodas in one day? eck...no
486. Broken a CD? yes
487. Shot a gun? thats another job requirement
488. Was it real or fake? umm...real
489. Been on myspace for more than 5 hours straight? no
490. Slept in the same bed as someone of the opposite sex? yes. im married.
491. Have a dream come true? yes
92. Been kissed unexpectedly? yes
493. Tried to break a record? yes
494. Entered an eating contest? no. gack.
Do you?
495. Cook? yes
496. Want to know me? not paticularly
497. Want something that you can't have? yes
498. Think this quiz is too long? it is what it is
499. Own more than 6 pairs of shoes? yes
500. Get on myspace daily? yes
501. Like to write? yes
502. Like school? it was fun
503. Own a pair of cuticle clippers? no.
504. Enjoy listening to music from games? not really
505. Even if you've never played the game? ....
506. Read magazines? yes
507. What kind of magazines do you enjoy to read? womens health, mens health, maxim...anything entertaining really.
508. Like to listen to music?.yes
509. Ever get cramps? once a month or so...
510. Ever get migraines? no
511. Like kitties? except for the pee thing... we have discussed this.
512. Like dogs? yes. i still like dogs
513. Like animals in general? yes
514. Crave something right now? hugs...kisses...all that stuff.
515. Like chocolate? dark chocolate.
516. Think the sun is too bright? no.
517. Do you shop at Abcrombie and Fitch? no
518. Wish I can stop asking these stupid questions? if i did i'd stop taking the quiz thingus.
519. Wish you never started this quiz? is it really a quiz if im not getting a grade?
520. When was the last time you missed someone? now
521. When was the last time you fought with a family member? wow...um high school i had fight with my cousin cause she didn't pick me up one morning and didn't call to tell me she wasn't coming, so i was late and got detention. i still get upset about that...
522. Fought with a friend? ...couldn't tell you...awhile...
523. Had a serious conversation ? when mom was here
524. How long have you been doing this quiz? for-e-ver....
525. How much gold have you gotten so far from doing this quiz? about 700 bucks worth
526. How much longer do you think you can take it? .til the end
527. Can you not wait till this is over? *shrug*
528. Do you hate me for asking all these questions? isn't that the point of a quiz?
529. Do you know your multiplication tables? .yes...i get a little fuzzy on the 9s tho...
530. What is 12 times 16? 3
531. What is 135 times 674? 3
532. Do you know how to divide? yes
533. What is 72 divided by 9? 3
534. What is 6789 divided by 3? 3
535. What is 144 divided by 12? 3
536. What would you do if you were going to die in a day? i dunno...ask me again tomorrow
537. Favorite breakfast cereal? see...you just aren't paying attention. i already told you that. not my fault if you don't remember. you'll just have to scroll up kiddo.
538. Do you like coffee? yes
539. What's your favorite restaurant? i like Zio's
540. What do you like on your pizza? cheese, pizza sauce, pepperoni, black olives, mushrooms, puppies...
541. Have you ever tried to make a pizza? no
542. Do you eat the cream out of the Oreo first? no...i like to eat them in one bite. im a fatty fat fat.
543. Do your teachers like you? i dunno know, ask them
544. Are you a teachers pet? not by a long shot.
545. Would you ever run for president? no.
546. Would you ever marry someone for their money? hmm, i don't think so, but who can tell unless faced with that choice am i right?
547. What is the date? feb 24th 06
548. What does you dream home look like? one story, wrap around porch, lots of trees and windows...maybe a sunroom for a studio...
549. Have you ever laughed so hard you peed in your pants? yes heheh
550. Has someone ever told you are hot/cute/sexy? yes.
551. Have you ever told someone that they were hot/cute/sexy? .yes
552. Have you ever been stung by a jellyfish? .yes
553. What are you thinking about right now? food.
554. What would you do if an Alien landed in your backyard and asked for directions to the White House? kill it. or teach it to use mapquest...and then kill it. or better yet, take it prisoner and make it my housekeeper....i would pay him with popcorn.
555. What would you do if your room was painted neon orange puke green and highlighter yellow? repaint
556. Do you like anchovies? yes
557. Do you actually carry out your New Years resolutions? don't make em
558. What's your favorite subject? drama
559. Why do you like it? i live for dress up
560. Which subject do you absolutely hate? math.
561. Why do you hate it so? its not interesting, no room to be creative (aka you can't B.S. your way through it)
562. What grade are you in? none
563. Do you like school? it was ok, i'm serious, if you didn't repeat questions, this quiz would so be over by now...
564. Do you eat cafeteria food? no
565. Ever work in the cafeteria? no, but i have worked in the chow hall...same difference
566. Ever started a food fight? .no
567. Aced a test you thought you wouldn't? yep
568. Have an overdue library book? yes
569. Do you still have that over due library book? .yes as a matter of fact
570. How long have you had the over due book? a few years...like 6...
571. How much do you think your fine is by now? .heh. im pretty sure they stop charging after so much....
572. Ever been in a school play? quite a few
573. Are you in any of the school clubs? i was in drama...
574. If so which ones? .......drama.
575. Seen a school play? yes
576. Is your school private or public? i went to both.
577. If its private do you wish it wasn't so you didn't have to wear a uniform? i did until i went to a scholl w/o uniforms, and let me tell you...its so much easier when you dont have to pick out your clothes every morning....
578. Do you actually use the hangout option on Gaia? ...i'm confused
579. Do you make your bed? .no.
580. Do you wish this survey was over? *shrug* you've asked that like 6 times....
581. Do you make bad jokes? yes. i love bad jokes...
582. Do you take candy from strangers? when i was little... at the good ol days parades...
583. Do you wish you had facial hair? no.
584. Do you have any skills you'd like to brag about now? i can draw.
585. Do you ride the bus/drive/ or get driven to school? i did all 3 plus walking too
586. Whos your best friend? which one?
587. Are you weird? yes. i am told i am.
588. Do you act like you're on drugs but your actually not? well, sometimes people ask me what i've been smoking...and i say crack...does that count?
589. Can you flare your nostrils? yes, but only a little.
590. Do you have the soundtracks from your favorite movies? no
591. Do you still have a VCR? .yes
592. Is it even plugged in? .yes
593. Do you own scented markers? no.
594. How many blogs have you made? umm...1?
595. Whats your rarest item? My Samoflange
596. What are your goals in myspace? World Domination. Obviously.
597. Why do you myspace? See above.
598. What do you think the point of myspace is? See ..596
599. Why did you join myspace? 596 damn you.
600. Say a random word! Snarf.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
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