Wednesday, June 27, 2007


so i'm heading to MD this weekend, but not for fun or anything, one of my Best Friends lost his father yesterday, no he didn't like leave him in the park or anything like that you smart asses. He passed on, fini, he is gone. He has been sick off and on since before i met him, cancer and bouts of Pneumonia and whatnot...but man, i tell you what, He's one of the coolest, most down to earth and Hilarious men i have ever met...Seriously, and he reminds me so much of my dad too. He will be greatly missed, and i prefer not to refer to him in the "past tense" as it were, because to me that is like forgetting him, shoving him into the past...And as long as we who love him cherish our memories, whether we have known him for Decades, months or days... he will NOT be a part of our past but a part of our present. And that is my take on things.... So we are headed up for the funeral Saturday...i'm even going to wear a dress. ok well, meh i'm off to do some things, wish me luck!

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