Thursday, June 28, 2007

a 3 day trip

i have no idea how i can be packing for a thee day trip and already i have an entire LARGE suitcase already filled. And that's without diapers, wipes, sippy cups and toys...thats JUST CLOTHES and makeup/accessories... oh must be true...I'M TURNING BACK INTO A GIRL AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats the only explanation i can come up with. HOWEVEER, in my defense....i am packing the belongings of three people into one you guys all just chill. (who am i even talking to?)
so tomorrow i have to get up, shower and do the hair thing, get The Bug up and situated, finish packing, take out the trash, get Zelph up and going, fill animal food containers, clean out the car, change the oil and air filter in the car and get everyone loaded into said car and ready to go and then get to MD by 6pm. *woof* i think i will set my alarm for 6:30....something i haven't done since my EAS. the only thing that gets me out of bed any earlier than noon is The Bug, she like to get up around 8:30ish...
ok y'all no time to goof off on a blog no-one reads..
-the staff

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