Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The NEWEST bullshit to come up the drainpipe...

regarding the whole "video game addiction" issue...

i think pretty soon they will be making an excuse for ANY type of behavior that people display. For instance: a 9 year old has too much energy and is bouncing off the walls, people automatically jump to ADD or ADHD, but yet they continue to pour sodas and junk foods and whatnot down his throat right along with the ritalin. now it's "oh my kid plays video games too much", instead of unplugging the damn machine and telling the kid "ok, OUTSIDE." like my 'rents did, they say "oh! my poor baby has a Mental Disorder, My poor baby is ADDICTED to the game, please medicate them and oh by the way now my insurance can pay for it" parents need to step up to the plate and take a more active role in their kids, instead of being glad for the t.v. and and movies and games that keep our kids "out of our hair for an hour or two" hey we've all done it and i'll admit it is DAMN nice to sit the Bug down in front of a Baby Einstein video and lay on the couch and catch an extra 30 minutes of sleep or catch up on my book. But it does NOT substitute for getting down on the floor and really REALLY looking at your child, Watching the Bug learn and discover the world around her every day is like a daily miracle for me. Last week she learned to spin in a circle and walk backwards (we're so proud) , this week she is learning to say "eat" when she is hungry. Imagine what these people are missing out on who don't know their own children... but i digress, (don't judge me Monkey!) what i am saying is people will spend so much time trying to find a way to shift the blame of their failings. For the kids it's "my parents didn't hug me enough" maybe they didn't, but you know what? There are MILLIONS of people out there who don't get enough "hugs" but they would GLADLY take your place in society, and they wouldn't spew all this mindless drivel about who's fault it is when they screw up. And for the record, i Do believe in mental disorders and addictions, but i think people are WAY to quick to jump to a LABEL or an EXCUSE as i like to call it. I'm fat because i'm not happy, i'm not happy 'cause i'm fat. I'm Dyslexic so i CAN'T do well in school. I like to have a glass of wine with dinner every night so i MUST be an Alcoholic! I'm addicted to Nicotine so i CAN'T quit smoking, i'm addicted to Nicotine BECAUSE i smoke. My child shot and killed another child, it must be because he played a violent video game.
Certainly it's not MY fault!!! i couldn't have educated my child about guns and gun safety.
i can't simply put the cigarettes down and trust to a little thing called willpower to not buy another pack or to throw away the pack i have.
Am i the ONLY person who sees where this is going? if people don't start taking responsibility for there own actions again, we are going to end up in a very pathetic state of affairs.
Child molesters let go because they "can't help it, they are addicted to sex with children, it's a mental disorder, not their fault at all." People not being drug/disease tested at work any more because it's "discrimination" or some B.S. like that.
whatever it's getting late and i need to call Zelphy-poo before i go curl up with a good book. i should make more entries into this thing it are make me feel better to vent a bit, hehe

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