Sunday, January 14, 2007

numero uno

And so she shall blog and it will be good. what are these things for anyways? well regardless, here i am and so it shall be. why did i start this thing? it's 9:45 and i am SADLY, bored out of my mind. i considered going to sleep, but i am not tired yet and doubtless i would end up simply lying there. thinking. i hate doing that. nothing good ever comes from it. i should be packing, i leave for 6 weeks on tues day, and so far i have packed very little and the house is not yet clean. but you know what they say..."hardwork pays off in the end, laziness pays off now."
and so with those words of...wisdom? i shall leave you. it's a 50/50 chance that i will ever come back to this thing...i will or i won't. we shall see....

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